

Rapid Response Grants – Urgent Action Fund

Approved – April 2014.

Number of grants: 1

1. Roma Women’s Center – DAJE, Belgrade

  • RSD: 147.000,00
  • Name of the project: Prevent The Violence Till It’s Not Too Late!
  • Context:  It was a reaction on the information that the leader of one Roma organization in small town near Belgrade is planning to open the Safe House for Roma women who survived the violence. It was disturbing information having in mind that, through their work, DAJE happened to know this man – he is violator whose wife is one of DAJE SOS clients.
  • DAJE’s  goal is to collect all the information, documents and to take review from the legal perspective which steps had to be done to get the license to open such a facility. Also they want to check who is/are donor/s who funded the construction of the House and what are their intentions to further cooperation with this organization. After the research work, which they will make together with lawyers from the AWC (Autonomous Women’s Center), they will organize a press conference to present the information that they collected. They  will demand  ban of the work of this Safe House and thoroughly examine the law on establishment-opening  of shelters and ask for the strict  control of the process , if it turns out as a necessity. They will also advocate for more safety in laws that will ensure that these facilities are not open by  people who are known as violators.  Of course, they are not planning to reveal the identity of this man, because they don’t want to put his wife in risk. Also, their tendency is to ensure that Roma women has  the same  availability and equality  in the use of measures and instruments for protection from violence as other women have, and not to  be segregated  into separate safe houses.